Tuesday, August 29
Sunday, August 27
Saturday, August 26
Thursday, August 24
Tuesday, August 22
Saturday, August 19
Saturday, August 12

Living with integrity means:
Not settling for less than what you know you deserve in your relationships.
Asking for what you want and need from others.
Speaking your truth, even though it might create conflict or tension.
Behaving in ways that are in harmony with your personal values.
Making choices based on what you believe, and not what others believe.
Not settling for less than what you know you deserve in your relationships.
Asking for what you want and need from others.
Speaking your truth, even though it might create conflict or tension.
Behaving in ways that are in harmony with your personal values.
Making choices based on what you believe, and not what others believe.
Wednesday, August 9
Saturday, August 5
ابو سعيد ابولخير

از بســکه شـــــکـســــــتــــــم و بــــسـتم توبه
فـــــــــریـــــاد هـمی کـنـد ز دســــــتـم توبه
دیــــروز به تــــــــوبــه ای شکستم ساغر
امــــروز به ســـاغــــری شـــکستم توبه
جــز وصل تو دل به هرچه بســتم توبه
بــی یــاد تــو هر جـــا که نشستم توبه
در حسرت تو توبه شکستم صد بار
زین توبه که صد بار شکستم توبه
فـــــــــریـــــاد هـمی کـنـد ز دســــــتـم توبه
دیــــروز به تــــــــوبــه ای شکستم ساغر
امــــروز به ســـاغــــری شـــکستم توبه
جــز وصل تو دل به هرچه بســتم توبه
بــی یــاد تــو هر جـــا که نشستم توبه
در حسرت تو توبه شکستم صد بار
زین توبه که صد بار شکستم توبه