
Sunday, April 29


There is no end to education. It is not that you read a book, pass an examination, and finish with education. The whole of life, from the moment you are born to the moment you die, is a process of learning.

Monday, April 23

Saddest thought

Our sincerest laughter
With some pain is fraught:
Our sweetest songs are those that tell of saddest thought.

Saturday, April 21

The moon

The stars about the lovely moon
Fade back and vanish very soon,
When, round and full, her silver face
Swims into sight, and lights all space.

Friday, April 20

To see!

People only see what they are prepared to see.

Tuesday, April 17

Mitsuo Aida

It is OK even if we complain
It is OK even if we show weakness 
Because we are human
It is even OK if we sometimes cry
Because we are alive...

Sunday, April 15

Enough is Enough!

He who knows that enough is enough will always have enough.

Saturday, April 14


Some part of a mistake is always correct

Monday, April 9

Antonio Gramsci

The challenge of modernity is to live without illusions and without becoming disillusioned.

Sunday, April 1


دوش‌ می‌آمد و رخساره‌ برافروخته‌ بود
تا كجا باز دل‌ غمزده‌اي‌ سوخته‌ بود
رسم‌ عاشق‌كشی‌ و شيوه‌ شهر آشوبي
‌ جامه‌ای‌ بود كه‌ بر قامت‌ او دوخته‌ بود
جان‌ عشاق‌ سپند رخ‌ خود مي‌دانست
‌ و آتش‌ چهره‌ بدين‌ كار برافروخته‌ بود
گرچه‌ مي‌گفت‌ كه‌ زارت‌ بكشم‌ می‌ديدم
‌ كه‌ نهانش‌ نظ‌ری‌ با من‌ دلسوخته‌ بود
كفر زلفش‌ ره‌ دين‌ می‌زد و آن‌ سنگين‌ دل‌
در پی‌اش‌ مشعلی‌ از چهره‌ برافروخته‌ بود
دل‌ بسی‌ خون‌ به‌ كف‌ آورد ولی‌ ديده‌ بريخت
‌ الله‌ الله‌ كه‌ تلف‌ كرد و كه‌ اندوخته‌ بود
يار مفروش‌ به‌ دنيا كه‌ بسی‌ سود نكرد
آن‌ كه‌ يوسف‌ به‌ زر ناسره‌ بفروخته‌ بود
گفت‌ و خوش‌ گفت‌ برو خرقه‌ بسوزان‌ حافظ‌
يارب‌ اين‌ قلب‌شناسی‌ ز كه‌ آموخته‌ بود

John Adams

I must study politics and war that my sons may have liberty to study mathematics and philosophy. My sons ought to study mathematics and philosophy, geography, natural history, naval architecture, navigation, commerce and agriculture in order to give their children a right to study painting, poetry, music, architecture, statuary, tapestry, and porcelain.